6 Tips for Writing High-Converting Social Media Posts

Jul 8, 2021
KLR Agency

Our social media marketing team shares advice for building brand loyalty and growing your business.

If your business relies on customers (and what business doesn’t?) then your marketing efforts should include getting your message in front of them, on their social media channel of choice.

Social media usage cuts across all nationalities, demographics and generations, with 4.2 billion users worldwide and a full 82% of Americans having at least one social media profile. Before diving into social media marketing head-first, be sure to conduct a thorough analysis of your target audience and your unique value proposition, then choose the channel(s) that make the most sense.

Once you’ve created your branded profile or account, use these five tips for using social media to drive business conversions:

1. Be brief.

While there is room for long-form content, most social media platforms are designed with infinite scrolling. That means that your content should be colorful and bold, incentivizing someone to pause their scroll and read. Even under the best of circumstances, you’ll get mere seconds to convey your point and encourage them to engage. Every action that you ask someone to take is precious, so choose your words carefully and avoid forcing your customers to click just to figure out the point of your post.

2. Follow best practices.

Beyond brevity, each social media platform has its quirks, culture and preferred content. Almost all platforms incorporate some sort of algorithm to curate personalized content for each user. Video content generally does well, but is very different on Facebook and YouTube vs. Twitch or TikTok. Make sure that you leverage clever copy, hashtags and user tags, and whatever trends are popular on a given algorithm.

3. Have a clear call to action.

Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to enhance or degrade your brand. Before posting, remind yourself of your goals, and how this interaction can get your customers one step closer to your goals. Make sure that one action is clear and concise.

4. Provide value to your customer.

Valuable information is in the eye of the beholder, but generally falls into one of three categories: information, entertainment or enrichment. Information could be any insight that resonates with their problem and highlights your solutions. Entertainment can be witty, funny or otherwise captivating, but should always fall within your brand standards and tone. Lastly, enrichment is any sort of discount, giveaway or special pricing that might entice your customers to give you business or personal information.

5. Earn your following every day.

Most people who follow your brand on social media will never return to your account page after the initial follow. Only a fraction of your organic posts will end up in their timelines, and that frequency will decrease every time they pass over your content without engaging. By consistently posting engaging content, you ensure that new customers are attracted and old followers are retained. This means dedicating time to your story, interacting with your followers in the comments, and taking educated risks.

6. Find a social media marketing agency that has the chops to execute a winning strategy.

If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry–we can help! KLR is more than just a marketing agency. We can help with branding, provide SEO services, consult on social media marketing, video production, creative services and more. Contact our team to discover how we can help your business leverage social media to build brand loyalty and engage customers.